Monday, November 22, 2010

Order of Illuminati

Order of Illuminati 
In the novel "Angels and Demons" by American author Dan Brown, author of the famous novel The Da Vinci Code talked about a clandestine group of scientists, called the Illuminati and which seek to eliminate the Vatican and Christianity and religion generally by using a new substance called Anti matter, thus opening the door to questions many front of the people Is this a group that already exist or fantasy invented by the author in his novel, which turned into a famous movie by the same name, Angels and Demons starring the famous actor Tom Hanks and what their relationship to Masonry and the new world order and the abolition of governments and religions, I will write on this subject on several articles due to its length and the large number of important information these information maybe known to few people to the others I write those articles.
 Illuminati  Greek illumination, name given to those who submitted to Christian baptism. Those who were baptized were called "illuminati" or "illuminated ones" by the Ante-Nicene clergy, on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had an enlightened understanding. The Alumbrados, a mystical 16th-century Spanish sect, were among the societies that subsequently adopted the name illuminati. Later, the title of illuminati was used by a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt that aimed to combat religious thinking and encourage rationalism."
Illuminati history 
The Illuminati was a movement founded on May 1, 1776. Much is, retrospectively, made of both the May 1st date later used by the Russian Revolution as well as the 1776 date tying in to the American Revolution. In fact, since there are only 365 days in a year, the Russian Revolution was bound to occur on one date or another which would/could have a connection to some devious scheme. By 1776, the American Revolution was well along in its planning stages and there's no credible link to a group founded in what is today near Munich, Germany. It was begun by Adam Weishaupt who was educated by the Jesuits, not unlike many who sought an education in those days and in that place. His organization was composed of those who were then espousing the ideals of the Enlightenment: freedom of thought and equality amongst classes of people, ideas that were considered by the authorities as being heretical and treacherous, particularly since logical outcome of equality would preclude the continued existence of monarchy.
Illuminati are the heads of Freemasonry
 In 1776 Adam Weishaupt Professor of Law at the University of the Catholic Church Iingolstodt - Bavaria, Germany, established a system Illuminati (torch bearers Satan). Although it is an educated Catholic chaplain, but safe to worship Satan and humanity. Movement taught humanity that anyone can gain a great power like the power of God with the assistance of demons. Spent about five years to write the ways of the world revolution and the organization and motivated by financial support from the family of Rothschild  aim of establishing world government and this government has been called the "The Novus Ordo Seculorum" a new era or a new world order (New World Order) which is also the name of his book published in the May 1, 1776. This Latin phrase written on the opposite side of the coin and the dollar with the 1776 numbers at the bottom of the pyramid ROMANIAN Freemason. Devil eye over the pyramid with the words "Annuit Coeptis" which means that he (Satan) has smiled on our tasks. Most people believe that the date 1776 honors the birth of the United States.
In 1785 one of the members of this movement is called (Lanze), which was carrying classified documents to the great forum of the class and informed consent in Paris - France hit by lightning in Ratisbonne documents found on his body seized by the Bavarian government and is now kept in the records (Archive) in Munich, these documents reveal the Illuminati activities not only in the French Revolution but also in the destruction of all kings and religions, with the exception of the Jewish people. Schedule of 1789 of the French Revolution was carried out exactly as planned in the documents seized.
 Although the system of the Illuminati was independent at the beginning, but it stuck and feed Masonry, at certain points and then on July 16, 1782, in a meeting and Ilhelnspad Germany, give the command to start under control of the Masons and the very large scale and global.
Section taken from the submission by the candidate for membership as follows:
To tie myself to the continued silence, loyalty and submission to non-destabilizing fraternal, in compliance with my superiors, I will give full and faithful to my own, my will to the personal, and each function to narrow my authority and permeation. I pledge myself to make everything good for the fraternity, and like my own, and I'm ready to serve them by my money , honor and blood. And on the other hand I'm ready to give up for negligence, passion and vulnerability, behave only in the interest of brotherly and introduce myself to blame or the punishment that will impose on my superiors. (John Robison, evidence of the conspiracy, 1798, page 66-67)
 The goals of the Illuminati:
1 - the abolition of all national governments.
2 - the abolition of all religions except the worship of the devil.
3 - Canceling the family.
4 - Abolition of private property.
5 - abolition of inheritance taxes inheritance high.
6 - National cancel.
7 - to create a one world government under the United Nations and under the control of the Illuminati
 Nymph of Satan to the Bride of Christ
Provides us with the following short summary of the book ((nymph of Satan to the bride of Christ)), by Vincent de Paul (Vincent de Paul), 1987. Clotilde was Pearson (Klotilde Bersone) a very beautiful girl and is in the 17, and was an honor student and could speak six languages. Her father was a Mason. Lear lost 60 000 (approx. $ 700) in gambling and agreed to sell Clotilde for the great forum of the class and informed consent in Istanbul, Turkey, as opposed to repay this debt. This was connected to the Turkish forum with 6 other major forums for the layer in the enlightened parts of the world. Pearson rose from several levels seemed fairy night (Nymph of the Night) to the nymph familiar with the secrets (Nymph Initiated to Secrets) (Illuminati) the dominant ruling Fairy Top (Sovereign Grand Master Nymph), then Bride of Satan (Bride of Lucifer) or the Queen of the Illuminati Queen of The place was the first in Turkey in December 1874, but moved to Paris - France where she was raped at the outset of the Forum Supreme Iilominaci in France, by the conclusion of James Garfield (James Abram Garfield), General American, and became his wife. Garfield was elected to the House of Representatives while still a general fighting in the civil war. He was a hero of Shiloh (Shilo) and was promoted to Brigade (Major General) was the youngest general in the Civil War. Become oriented to the great forum Illuminati French secret and spent considerable time in Europe as in America. In December 1863, at the request of President Abraham Lincoln, Garfield resigned as general and continued in Congress. He was a member of Congress for 17 years and nictitating for the post of Republican leader of the Legislative Council. Married 1858 to Miss Lucretia Rudolph, and he has two daughters and 3 sons. And was elected to the Senate in January 1880, but did not serve in that office ever. Was always absent in Paris to work Freemason. Forums where the Illuminati wanted to win the presidency. Garfield was elected president of the United States in March 1881 and was shot in the July 2, 1881 by Charles Jotio of France in the railway station in the Baltimore and Potomac and Washington, DC. Was expected to recover fully after allowing him distracted from the hospital. On 11 August, during the recovery period in a beach hut wrote to his mother that he was recovering well and that he was getting stronger day after day. And signed his loving son died mysteriously in September 19, 1881.
Clotilde, full of hatred for all in the Masonic Lodges, was determined to learn all the secrets of the Illuminati, to rise in different degrees, and in the end to reveal these secrets to the world so you retaliate against those who violated their femininity and brought misery and horrors of others are limited.
The original manuscript, unpublished, for her diary in Italian. This manuscript has been translated into French and German in 1931. Then translated into English in 1984 by Jesuit priest Lithuanian religious, Jonas Godau father died in 1985
Clotilde story within the great forum of the class and informed consent in France
At the outset, in order to become a member of the Assembly, it was the duty of the Clotilde to apportion the scary part. During the partition, had to Clotilde to kneel down and bend her head back, and be placed over the dagger into her throat, and to apportion the following section:
1 - I swear to blindly obey all the orders of the Masonic Lodge, without asking for any reason.
2 - I swear to not belong to any other religion except Freemasonry.
3 - I swear not to give in to any influence, and to demolish any opposition (resistance) against the objectives of the Masonic Lodge.
4 - If you betrayed this section at any time, then each of daggers will stabs me, and which is now addressed to the throat. Clotilde discovered a small place of worship (chapel of death), where the skull and placed 18 on the tables and altars. There was also a monster made of white marble and has 7 heads, and he calls the Freemasons dragon Hydra seemed to form a terrible and frightening, with some camels were some headers such as black, and some, such as leopards. Some had one horn, while in others several centuries. The body such as the tiger's body with black lines. Had a strong short legs, strong claws. Directed the Great (General James Garfield, before he became U.S. President in March 1881 invoked the devil a lot to revive the monster marble and revive it.
In the ritual dating to the membership, the many acts of violation have also been made to host a dedicated hacker from the Catholic Church. Once, President of the apostate Roman Catholic monastery named Mazzati came to the Forum to the work of the liturgy, and leave the 120, adding dedicated to the violations against them in the great Friday prayer. Abbot had a more powerful way to the order of the dragon that appears in the body of the beast with 7 heads. Did not follow the rituals of worship and incantation, and procedures that could drag on for hours, but it is simply the dragon to appear on behalf of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Use this method whenever, dragon Hydra revealed himself immediately and marble animal became alive. Started several groups Illuminati using this new version, because it was more influential and effective in spite of the obvious resentment by the devil when you use this method. On the occasion of occasions, the beast revealed that the real reason to worship Him in the forums is money.
Illuminati Top of the Forum of the Paris Grand included in the President of France Jules Griffi and his prime minister and ministers of many. But the highest amongst the James Garfield, directed the top. Use the Talmud, the Jewish holy book to them in the ritual of prayer and exorcism in the Forum.
Such as fairy devil, the throat of the President Garfield called the devils (the spirit of Freemasonry) exporting orders to murder members of the forums, or to take the necessary action, she terrorized so many presidents of the Masters in these forums. Committed many crimes of murder under the command forums. Among the victims killed were the king of Italy, Victor Emmanuel II and General James Garfield in the second incident 
Jealousy among the members of the luxury Clotilde fast to the highest rank in the top of the Masonic Lodge and the flow-oriented sermon caused a sudden the majority of the members of the Forum Top coup against it. I have made them tremble for their business and their knowledge given by the devil. Members conducted a trial of heads in the Forum and decided to deny a brothel in Grenoble. Approved this resolution by the devil, who has become frustrated because of their hatred of the desert him. When she became pregnant Clotilde in the house of prostitution then took the crucial decision to escape and to resort to a secluded Catholic monastery in Paris. There are Sister Mary Emily Ruth terrible story inside the great forum of the layer in Paris and informed consent to the President of the monastery, which ordered that codify in 1885 so the public knows it. Corresponding to the original manuscript of her memoirs in 1885 retained somewhere in the archive and Catholic in France [follows].

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