Many of us loved the sea, and many of us like to ride boats and ships, but many of us do not know about the attention of the ancient Egyptians the Nile and boats considerable attention to a surprising degree, and many of us have never heard about boats sun especially young people from the present generation in Egypt do not know much about their great not from their own amazing and from their immortal, which impressed the world so I write today's boats sun.
Types of Pharaonic boats

First: Boats are religious: - This type of boats used was symbolic of God only, and placed these vessels often holy of Holies inside the temples, the priests carrying the boat and inside the statue of the god to visit the other temples, such as a visit to the Temple of Horus Hathor in dandara " near qena ", or visit the temple of the god Amon of Luxor.
II: funerary boats: This type was used to transport the mummy of King to visit the holy places of the god Osiris, including Abydos " near suhag " in the south and Bhutto in the north, in addition to this type of boat was also used to transport the body of the king from his palace which reside to the cemetery where the pyramid.
III: Boats are mundane: They were used in the Nile to move the granite quarries of Aswan, or alabaster of Hatnub Egypt Central, or limestone from Tura" near giza", or to move the obelisks of the quarries of Aswan to the temples of Luxor and Karnak, In addition to use to transport workers who were digging in the rock to work in building the pyramids, and there are boats traveled across the sea to Byblos (Lebanon) to bring a timber of rice and record the Palermo stone boat, which was sent by King Senefro father of King Khufu to Lebanon to bring this timber, these types of boats registered special on the temples of the Old Temple of the King Saho ra in Abu Seer, in addition to the ships that were used to travel to the south, particularly the land of Punt to bring incense and aromatic oils and gold.
IV: Military boats: used in the modern state and image of the modern state temples especially the Temple of town Habu which depicts the naval battles of King Ramses III last king of Egypt combatants against the peoples of the sea.
Fifth: The boats used by ancient Egyptians in the Nile for a picnic: This boats represented in different forms on the graves, but the story of Khufu, and sorcerers, which refers to the story occurred during the reign of King Bent went out for a walk in the boats in the lake attached to the palace , accompanied by beautiful girls and rowing and sing beautiful songs, and during the rowing earring fell one of them, and the President of the choir was able to evacuate his magic lake water to give her the earring.
VI: The latter type is the boat solar system also boats a symbolic, one for the trip the day called the Ancient Egyptian name Maiz [maengt] and the other for a trip the night dubbed Msktaat (msktt) and this type was used by the god Ra only to sail out and paddling stars and used it here oars animate the years pointed to the killing of animals and evil spirits in the world to eliminate evil and therefore recognizes and thanks the people worship him. And get back to digging in the group funerary boat of King Khufu, where boats were in two holes eastern borders of the temple, devoted to the king as a direct them from the north to the south, where the king as Horus has the power that enables him that runs from north to south. These holes differ completely from the southern drill, and are located next to the temple, where both have actively King, also refers to landscapes represented within them Khors activity on the ground, which means that he confirms his complete control of Upper and Lower Egypt (the south and north ). The third hole which takes the form of a compound is located north of the causeway, I think it is a symbolic center dedicated to the goddess Hathor as it is fixed and written in Papyrus Abu Sir. The southern holes which the timber was found inside them, it has proved from the preceding discussion that they are not funerary but are solar boats. According to Al-Ahram writings that god Ra (khufu) owns two boats used by the gang on the move east and west. Here, the sun shines and revolves around the Earth in two boats from east to west and from west to east and moves from a boat to another at sunrise and sunset.
The sun was sailing westward over the earth's surface, and to the east beneath the surface of the earth has been brought to the boat the night Msktaat (msktt) to the east, west and daytime Maiz (mandt) studies have shown that the boat is a boat discovered the day especially because directed westward, while the other boat, which is located inside the hole the other night and it is a special introduction, heading east. and can be reached to the user of this assumption, which is found in the southern holes design and separated by a wall of rock and is located on the north-south axis of the pyramid . And we will find that the aperture South within the burial chamber of the Pyramid of Khufu, which called the wrong air vent is located directly on the axis that separates the two boat and are a composite of the day and compound the night and the King Khufu in the form of the god Ra to leave a token of this slot to boarding the boat in accordance with the flights that will them.
Papyrus has been confirmed Abu Sir, which was found inside the Temple of the King nefr -eer –Ka-ra a group of the Fifth Dynasty that the presence of timber within the compound slot is very important because the King will ride it after it is collected, and therefore had to be the existence of the timber, has proved Zaki Iskandar to be a composite of Khufu was made next to the hole and then was removed to be placed inside.
It is well known to them that the god Ra will be riding in this boat and he would convey a journey night and day, and will star blasphemy of God and when it encounters a god of any animal is evil during his trip was to get rid of it by oars pointed, because the duty of this God is cleansing the world of evil, and evil spirits, and therefore people estimated that effort and the credit that he made them, as God of God's the greatest. Has puzzled scientists in the interpretation and function composite of King Khufu, since they are studying composite monument stand-alone from the religious aspect only and that it is wrong to be the study of any architectural element, or artifact in any location without examining the surrounding effects, temples, pyramids and views represented by the temple and statues, etc., and this is what we have done, where we did not consider in this study to the boat as a stand-alone for the rest of the group hierarchy, but we interpret all elements of the group as a whole through a single unit, so we managed to get to this results. but it is worth mentioning that the group hierarchy was dedicated to the worship of the trinity of the god Ra the sun god, Horus, and Hathor was worshiped in Memphis and was sitting under the sycamore tree to that known as the (woman sycamore tree) and there evidence of the cult in the necropolis of Giza. and we will find that each of them was to worship God in a particular place within the group hierarchy, and also will find a link to this five boats of the Trinity, and at the same time, we must know that during the fourth family appeared a new religious thought we did not know before, where the King khufu to expel priests of Heliopolis and became the god Ra himself during his lifetime, so the two boats present north and south of the mortuary temple, are the two special boats for King Khufu as horus to simplify his influence and power on southern Egypt.
The boats located on the south of Egypt, and boats are the boats South symbolic sun during the day trip and a trip the night. The fifth boat was a special deities Hathor, which is the Eye of Ra, and the wife of the living king Horus in the same time or the next king.
How was the discovery of these vessels
View Solar Boats

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