Thursday, October 7, 2010

Each year and you're OK - a satirical social drama

I do not know the cause of happiness experienced by the Egyptian people so that you can hear and say the phrase " Kol sanaa we enta tayeeb = Happy new year and you're good" 223 times each day as if you live through every day as it’s a Christmas.
When you wake up from sleep and running TV you will hear the voice of announcer smiling, kind feelings, clumsy language, says "Dear viewers each year you good and your whole family Too on the occasion of reading festival "held in Egypt in the summer ", and we are pleased to meet today endorsed with Professor (John Doe) and Undersecretary he was accused last year of bribe and pediment innocent and then, and Undersecretary of the Ministry and despite his new Villa's and new cars for his children and Chalet " cabin " in Marina God does not envy, but no one has got any evidence for that bribe and
spend that money in you know. We meet with this beautiful symbol and we say Happy new year and you're good. and you are here by changing the channel to another to find the Declaration of Telecom Egypt says it Happy new year and you're good if you paid the bill in a timely fashion you will win withdrawal of pilgrimage or money and Happy new year and you're good. You change this channel and you choose another channel to find the announcer tells you Happy new year and you're good to know the solution of Trivia and earn $ 1000 a fruit of 3 characters the first "T" and the last "T" and crafts "and" in the middle is u "fruit like Strawberries grows in egypt "what is it??? You find friend says, How are you Maya she answer How are you Sheriff he says I love the program sincere and h love u so much Maya and return to him she says we are Love you too Sheriff says its  easy the answer of trivia is Tunisia says Maya no not correct but Happy new year and you're good try to call us again bye. Following the argument, O dear, O dear hernia toil not and delicious . you turn off the TV and wearing your clothes and go out to your fill your face spiritual state of delicious shit social to find people smiling wearing clothes dirty tell you" the man who gather the garbage  Happy new year and you're good, bless you bey " title like lord"  and he says give me something to eat and you say so what I never eat in the morning  since I concluded the first secondary school and leave him and go off and you hear him say in your back  "I hope you die" and if you be back for chides him not harm only yourself and you need your dignity, there are many in the wait for Wasting your dignity you first and foremost your boss at work's important going on your way you find the  conductor light tells you Happy new year and you're good, bill light month 120 pounds you ask him Why this bill is too high and he tells you the minimum free and adaptations , air-conditions takes too much of  electricity  , convinced and shut up in spite of the lack of air conditioning you have and you have not only a fan column and bought share with your neighbor, you are on thing for taking the fan and the day next you take the  column mean important put your face in the ground and go . Important to go on your way and is only a few steps until you find the Scavenger, who is clean the street and despite how much filth terrible, who fills his hands, which is treating scavengers with our garbage bag like a treasure closed they start an open and Alenabcp inside it vigorously and if dirty hands then all that is scanned in his important that, despite the dirty hands insist that greet you with his hand, he says Happy new year and you're good, pasha, hoping to give him anything that did not give him you will find during your return that all garbage street, gathered in front of your home, whereupon giving him a pound metal overburden your pocket He looks you disgust say pounds?? Old uniforms kept some of acetic Madam down our tea cups instead of your pound pasha " title like lord". Leave and complement the circus about the position to cab or bus to poke yourself fish wondrous within the bus or on the subway though this day, you'll find a chair to sit upon and are only seconds to find a young man that you do, he says Happy new year and you're goods to say It puts a religious booklet in your lap to put in a small inside the largesse of it. Important to finally reaches your work and meet your  boss waiting to tell you all the anger, " Happy new year and you're good, bey, your Excellency late five minutes  " and then to apologize to him strongly and praises several so as not to assess you apostasy calm down and then say you "spirit on your desktop Now you, make your tea and read newspaper  and after that bring breakfast and after that he sleeps on your desk and extended the legs on the Office of the neighbor until a date to leave, go ahead," leave it and go to your office if your office and put your head it and go to sleep and dream you are a businessman important to have a lot of money but you will find doorman It opens you to the door of the elevator He says Happy new year and you're good, O Bey and after that install your Excellency comes a child with his hand towel dirty wipe the windshield of the car, he says every year and you Ok, O Bey and when you stand in one of the signals come to you who buys  Jasmine, napkins and all of them say every year and you're good to you Bey then finds the pavement, homes and shops and the sky and the earth and the stars say for you Happy new year and you're good, you  Tzzzzzzz " alarm clock " . Wake up to find that sound of the bell announcing the end of working hours to return to your home and when you arrive you find your daughter small says Uncle owner Architecture say to you Happy new year and you're good you Give a good rent and grocery store Happy new year and you're good and you Give a good account of the beholder Happy new year and you're good and you're good textbook fees and Idiot each year and you're good to Holiday mother" mothers day" after 5 months, equally, saying Kavaaaaaaih" enough ok" each year and you are good and I will suicide and through yourself from fifth floor balcony to fall dead on the ground and came two men, one says to the other is still a self-contained indifference" is he ok " other says Happy new year and you're good he is dead.
composition by Hany

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